Parking FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Winter Break Schedule
Accessible Cart Service, City of Richardson Shuttle, Comet Cruiser, Parking Office, Parking Garages
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Schedule
Accessible Cart Service, Comet Cruiser, Parking Office
Parking | Permits | Office Information and Visitor Passes | Citations
Why do I have to pay for parking? Doesn’t tuition or student fees cover this cost?
Every student, faculty and staff member must purchase a permit to park on UT Dallas property. UTD Parking & Transportation is self-funded.
Student tuition and fees are not allotted for UTD’s parking budget.
Parking permit sales provide us with the necessary funds to build new parking structures, repave parking lots, improve services and provide general maintenance.
If I decide to return to campus at a later date, are parking permit prices prorated in cost?
All parking permit purchases are valid from the date of purchase through August 31 of the current academic year. Parking permits are prorated in cost throughout the academic year. For students, parking permits are prorated in December and in May to reflect Spring and Summer prices. For employees, permits are prorated on the first of each month.
If I purchase a parking permit now, can I upgrade or downgrade my permit in the future?
Yes, you may upgrade or downgrade your permit at any time. Upgrades require a one-time additional payment equal to the difference in value between your current and your new permit. Downgrades may be entitled to a refund, depending on your original purchase method. Please contact for options specific to your account and permit type.
I am a student living on campus. Can I park more than one vehicle on campus this year?
No, Apartment and Residence Hall permits are limited to only one permit per resident to ensure parking availability for all students living on campus. Students may register two (2) vehicles to their virtual permit; however, only one vehicle can be parked on campus at any given time. Parking more than one vehicle on campus at one time may lead to citations.
I am a commuter student, but I am taking classes mostly online. Do I still need to purchase a parking permit?
When on campus, you must be legally parked at all times to avoid parking citations. When parking on campus, you may either utilize the hourly pay-by-space metered parking spaces, or purchase an annual parking permit.
How many parking garages are there? Where is PS2? Do I need a separate permit to use the parking garages?
There are currently three parking structures. PS1 on the east side of campus, PS3 on the north side of campus and PS4 on the west side of campus.
PS2 is not built or available at this time. PS2 is currently still in the planning stage and was not elected to be built at the time of design and construction began on PS3 instead.
Parking structures can be used by Gold, Orange and Purple commuter parking permits and no special garage permit is required. Green, University Village Apartments, Canyon Creek Heights Apartments and University Commons Residence Halls permits are not valid in the parking garages.
What if I need to park close to a building to drop off or unload a vehicle?
Loading zones are available throughout campus. Loading zones may be used without a parking permit for up to 20 minutes as long as you have your emergency flashers engaged on your vehicle. Please do not block roads, reserved spaces, accessible spaces and accessways, fire lanes, crosswalks, etc. when loading and unloading.
Download a Map of Campus Loading Zones (PDF [Portable Document Format File] )
Where is there free parking?
There is no free parking on the UT Dallas campus for students, faculty or staff.
For those wishing to use public transportation, there are nearly 2,000 free parking spaces available at the Cityline/Bush Train Station Park-and-Ride at 1300 E President George Bush Tpke, Richardson, TX 75082. From there, users may ride the Comet Cruiser bus line to campus, free of charge and with no transit pass nor UTD ID required to ride.
Visitors to the campus may obtain a complimentary one-day visitor pass, valid in Visitor or Green spaces, by presenting a valid photo ID at the Visitor Center and University Bookstore (VCB) or at our office. Visitors may receive two free permits per week.
Visitors to campus include any person who is not affiliated with the University as a student, faculty, or staff member. Currently enrolled students, or currently employed faculty or staff, do not qualify for visitor permits.
We also have Pay-by-Space credit/debit parking meters available in popular areas such as Lot F and on the first level of each parking structure.
How does Visitor parking work?
Visitors to the campus may obtain a complimentary one-day visitor pass from the Visitor Center or the Parking & Transportation Services office. A current driver’s license must be presented to obtain a visitor pass.
Visitors to the campus may receive two complimentary parking passes per week. This will allow visitors to park in any Visitor or Green space for the date of issuance only.
Visitor permits for the University Commons Residence Halls, University Village Apartments or Canyon Creek Heights Apartments may also be obtained by request.
To obtain a visitor permit for a housing guest, both the guest and the resident need to come to the Parking Office with valid photo IDs and the guest’s license plate information. A housing guest may receive up to two visitor passes per week and two overnight parking passes per month.
Long-term visitor permits (more than two weekdays) can be purchased at prorated rates from our office. Please note that overnight visitors to on-campus housing are limited to two nights per month, unless written permission is obtained from the student’s housing office.
For more convenient parking, we also have Pay-by-Space credit/debit parking meters available in popular areas such as Lot G, Lot F and on the first level of each parking structure.
How do I know if there are any parking lot or garage closures?
We have an active X account, @UTDallasParking, that regularly updates any information on parking or garage closures.
We also have a X account for the Comet Cruisers (@UTDCometCruiser) where we provide updates on new routes, schedule delays, or route detours or cancellations.
I already own a parking permit with another UT institution. Can I be issued a reciprocal permit?
Students, faculty, or staff from other UT System institutions may submit their university parking permit receipt to the Parking & Transportation Office via email to be issued a comparable reciprocal UTD permit. The email request must be sent from your UT institution email address, and the receipt must display your name, date of purchase, and the amount paid for your permit.
How can I purchase a parking permit?
Permits can be purchased online.
You may also purchase your permit in person at our office. If you will be coming to our office, a valid state-issued photo ID, driver’s license or student ID must be presented.
To purchase a parking permit, you will need to provide your vehicle license plate state and number, vehicle make, model, color, and year. If you purchase your permit in-person at our office, please be advised that we do not accept cash or checks. We only accept debit and credit cards.
Permits are required for all vehicles to park on UT Dallas owned or leased property regardless of whether you are an online student, part-time student, full-time student, faculty, staff or visitor.
What about accessible parking?
A UT Dallas Accessible Parking Permit, in addition to a state-issued accessible parking placard or license plate, is required to park in accessible parking spaces on campus.
Please see our Accessible Services page for more information.
Why do we have different parking permits?
Parking designates different lots based on whether students live on campus or commute to campus.
Residential parking is separated between the University Commons Residence Halls, University Village Apartments and Canyon Creek Heights Apartments. Apartment and Residence Hall permits are only valid in their specific lots, as well as Green parking in certain remote parking areas.
Where You Can Use Residential Parking Permits >
Housing students may also purchase a commuter Gold or Orange permit if they choose, but they may not park overnight on the main campus and must return to their on-campus housing parking lot at the end of the day.
For commuters, faculty, and staff, parking is on a progressing scale system with Purple being the highest and Green being the lowest.
- Purple permits can park in
- Purple parking
- Orange parking
- Gold parking
- Green parking
- Orange permits can park in
- Orange parking
- Gold parking
- Green parking
- Gold permits can park in
- Gold parking
- Green parking
- Green permits can only park in Green parking
Commuter students may purchase Green, Gold, Evening Orange or Orange parking permits. Evening Orange allows you to park in Orange spaces after 5:00 p.m. Before 5:00 p.m., Evening Orange permits may park in only Gold and Green spaces.
Staff and Faculty have access to all commuter colors, but also have the option to purchase Purple permits.
Can I get a parking permit if I have unpaid citations?
You may purchase a parking permit with unpaid citations, however outstanding citations may result in your account being revoked and your vehicle being immobilized or towed if parked on UT Dallas owned or leased property. If your vehicle is immobilized, your parking privileges are revoked and you may need to pay your citations first before being able to purchase your parking permit.
What should I do if I have two vehicles? Do I get a second permit for free?
Only one permit can be purchased per customer via the Parking Portal. Students may have two vehicles associated with their permit, but only one vehicle parked on campus at any given time. Employees may have up to five vehicles associated with their permit.
You may add a vehicle to your account online by selecting the VEHICLES tab. You may also contact the Parking Office via email or visit our office to add a vehicle to your account. If you would like to purchase a second permit so you may park two vehicles on campus at the same time, you may purchase additional permits at the current rate in-person at our office.
Please note that students living on campus may only purchase one permit and may have only one vehicle on campus at a time.
How many vehicles can I have registered to my account?
You may have an unlimited amount of vehicles registered on your customer account, but students may have two vehicles registered to their permit, and only one vehicle may be parked on campus at any given time. Employees may have up to five vehicles registered to their permit. Only one vehicle may be parked on campus at a time, and it must have a permit always registered to it for the section where the vehicle is parked.
What should I do if my vehicle is being repaired? What should I do if I have a rental or temporary vehicle?
Those who are driving a different vehicle and currently have an active parking permit have the option to register their alternate vehicle for the duration they will be driving the vehicle.
Students may have two vehicles associated with their permit, but only one vehicle parked on campus at any given time. Employees may have up to five vehicles associated with their permit.
To remove a vehicle, including rentals and temporary vehicles, you must contact the Parking Office via email, or visit our our office during business hours, and you must provide the vehicle make, model, and license plate number.
All vehicles registered to the permit owner will be the responsibility of the permit owner including all citations the vehicle receives while it is registered to the permit owner.
Current permit holders may also receive up to three one-day passes per semester as an alternative to registering a temporary vehicle. These one-day passes will be valid for the same color of spaces as your permit, and you may receive these by presenting a Comet Card or driver’s license at the Parking Office.
Can I share my permit with someone else, or register other people’s vehicles to my permit?
All virtual permits are non-transferable and can only be used by the individual to whom it is assigned, and permits are attached only to the account holder. For customers who share vehicles, both customers must own their own permit, but may register shared vehicles on each individual account. Students may have two vehicles associated with their permit, but only one vehicle parked on campus at any given time. Employees may have up to five vehicles associated with their permit. Parking more than one vehicle on campus at one time may lead to citations for surpassing the vehicle limit of your permit. Any citations issued to a vehicle will be the responsibility of the permit owner.
I am a faculty/staff member and I want to get my permit on Payroll Deduction, how does it work?
Eligible faculty and staff should monitor their email for directions and enrollment dates. If you are eligible for Payroll Deduction, you may purchase your annual permit online and select “Payroll Deduction” as your purchase method at the time of checkout. If you do not see the option for Payroll Deduction, but you believe you are eligible, please contact our office so we can confirm eligibility. Monthly and weekly permits are not eligible for payment via payroll deduction and are only available for purchase via credit/debit card as a one-time, in-full payment.
I am joining UT Dallas later in the year. Are prices reduced for those on campus less than a full year?
All parking permit purchases are valid from the date of purchase through August 31 of the current academic year. Parking permits are prorated in cost throughout the academic year. For students, parking permits are prorated in December and in May to reflect Spring and Summer prices. For employees, permits are prorated on the first of each month.
I am leaving UT Dallas, or I no longer need my parking permit. Can I get a refund for my parking permit?
If you are a student graduating in fall, or you no longer need your permit, you may return the permit for a prorated refund. Returns must be made by the Spring Census Day to be eligible for a refund. Returns after the Spring Census Day will not be approved for a refund.
If you are a faculty or staff member that purchased your permit in full, you may be eligible for a prorated refund when you leave UT Dallas. Permits purchased via Payroll Deduction are not eligible for refunds, but monthly deductions can be canceled by canceling your permit with our office before the completion date.
Your permit may be deactivated upon submitting a Permit Return Form. Do NOT submit a return form until you no longer need to park at UTD. You can return your permit by contacting and requesting a permit return form.
Office Information and Visitor Passes
What are your office hours?
My family is coming to visit me at my residence, what do I need to do?
If you are resident living in University Village Apartments, Canyon Creek Heights Apartments, or University Commons Residence Halls and you need to arrange parking for a guest visiting your residence, permits can also be requested online in advance and emailed to you as a PDF [Portable Document File Format] document that you may email to your guest to be printed. To request an emailed permit, complete a permit request form online two business days in advance of the guest arrival. A visitor parking pass is required Monday-Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. in the housing parking areas.
Non-sponsored visitors to campus may utilize our metered parking available throughout different areas of our campus, or contact for more options.
Please contact the Parking Office for any questions or concerns about visitor parking.
Please note that a visitor permit is not required for Green, University Village Apartments, Canyon Creek Heights Apartments, or University Commons Residence Halls parking areas outside of enforcement hours:
- Monday-Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
- Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
How do I add or update a vehicle on my parking account?
You may add a vehicle to your account online by selecting the VEHICLES tab. You may also contact the Parking Office via email or visit our office and let us know you want to add a vehicle to your account.
You will need to provide your vehicle’s license plate state and number, make, model, color, and year of your vehicle to add it to your account.
How do I remove a vehicle from my parking account?
Contact the Parking & Transportation department via via email or visit our office during business hours, and you must provide the vehicle make, model, and license plate number. We cannot remove vehicles over the phone.
Where is the Parking Office located?
We are located in Parking Structure 3 (PS3), at the intersection of Rutford Ave and Loop Road NW on the North end of campus, East of the Residence Halls.
Our physical address is:
800 N. Loop Rd, Richardson TX, 75080.
Our mailing address is:
The University of Texas at Dallas
Parking & Transportation
800 W Campbell Rd, PS3 10
Richardson, TX 75080-3021
Why did I get a citation?
Check the citation in the “Violation” section to see the reasoning. Some citations are warnings only and are used to inform you of a problem. If you feel you do not deserve the citation then you may submit an appeal online. We do not do any in-person appeals.
Any appeal not granted must be paid online or in person at our office. Please be advised, appeals must be submitted within 14 calendar days from the date the citation was issued. However, an appeal does not guarantee an automatic dismissal of the citation.
I parked legally but still got a citation. What can be done about it?
There are various reasons why a citation can be issued. You may be parked in your permit’s designated area, but could be breaking one of our parking rules or policies.
You may appeal the citation online. Again, appeals do not guarantee an automatic dismissal of a citation.
What happens if I do not pay my parking citations? Can you put a hold on my student account?
After 14 days the citation will increase from overdue charges. In addition, the citation will have a recurring monthly late fee that is added until the balance is paid in full.
Accumulated or overdue parking citations will place a hold on student accounts, thus not allowing a student to receive transcripts or receive their diploma. Faculty and staff may be subject to other disciplinary measures.
I paid at the Bursar, so why is there still a hold/fee on my account?
Bursar/EZPay payments are transferred to your Parking account the following business day, after which your hold will be removed. If your Parking account does not update within two business days, or you still have a parking hold even with a $0.00 balance, please contact our office. If your Bursar student account and your Parking account do not match for any other reason, please contact our office.