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On-Campus Catering

Catering is the provision of food service on campus by a commercial operation providing on-site staff and service, including (as requested) set-up, preparation, serving (if requested), and clean-up. Catering is defined by the services performed, not by the type(s) or quantity of food provided.


Catering Services
Pre-Approved Catering Service Vendors Order and Support Contacts Ordering Process Requirements
* All catered events require a Special Events Risk Assessment form completed by the Event Coordinator at least 10 business days prior to the event.
Note: Service of alcohol prior to 4:00 p.m. on business days is prohibited without special approval from the President’s Office.


UTD’s food service vendor and primary on-campus caterer. Chartwells is considered “best value.”


Comet Catering (Catertrax)

Kristin Williams
Director of Catering
Phone: 972.322.5284
For questions concerning availability and menus

  1. Direct Web ordering. No requisition required.
  2. Special Events Risk Assessment form.

Note: Some buildings (e.g., Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center, Eugene McDermott Library) are exclusive to Chartwells.

Please check with your department regarding catering exclusivity in your building.

Royal Catering



Hanna Sweitzer

Office: 972.437.1466

Fax: 972.437.1546

eProcurement Punch-Out (instead of a quote)

Jason’s Deli



Kimberly Sherman

Office: 972.437.9156

Fax: 972.437.1943

Non-catalog requisition via eProcurement, including:

  1. Quote, and
  2. Special Events Risk Assessment form* [All catered events require this form.] .
Sonny Bryan’s Catering



Diane Padecky

Office: 214.353.0027

Fax: 214.353.0472

Non-catalog requisition via eProcurement, including:

  1. Quote, and
  2. Special Events Risk Assessment form* [All catered events require this form.] .
Beyond the Box Catering – Edible Ideas



Josh Drury


Non-catalog requisition via eProcurement, including:

  1. Quote, and
  2. Special Events Risk Assessment form* [All catered events require this form.] .
Modern Market Eatery



Erinn McCully


Non-catalog requisition via eProcurement, including:

  1. Quote, and
  2. Special Events Risk Assessment form* [All catered events require this form.] .

Outside Catering Service Vendors

i.e., any catering vendor not listed above

Contacts and credentials provided by department.

Non-catalog requisition via eProcurement, including:

  1. Quote, and
  2. Special Events Risk Assessment form* [All catered events require this form.] , and,
  3. An Outside Catering Request form, including:
    1. A copy of the caterer’s health permit,
    2. A copy of the caterer’s Commercial General and Product Liability Insurance:
      • minimum of $1M, and
      • naming both “The Board of Regents of The University Texas System” and “The University of Texas at Dallas” as additional insured,
    3. A bona fide quote from the caterer on their company letterhead, containing the specifics of your event, and
    4. (if serving alcohol) A temporary TABC [Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission] permit and TABC [Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission] bartenders’ licenses.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is catering?

Catering is defined by UT Dallas as the provision of food service by a commercial operation on campus, including the activities of set-up, serving (if requested), preparation, removal of food service and clean-up, where the caterer is responsible for providing on-site staff and service. Catering is defined by the services performed, not by the type(s) or quantity of food provided.

What is food delivery?

Food delivery service is defined by UT Dallas as prepared meals delivered or picked up where no other service is provided. UTD event policies and guidelines must be followed. At this time campus departments should continue following current procedures for food delivery.

Whom do I call for catering service or support?

For questions regarding catering service, availability, and menu details, please refer to the Support Contact in the Catering Services table.

Where may I direct questions regarding payment for catering?

Please contact / 972.883.2608 for questions concerning use of purchase orders or purchasing cards for catering.

Where can I find information about the Special Events Risk Assessment (SERA [Special Events Risk Assessment] ) process?

Please refer to the Special Events Risk Assessment web page for full information regarding the SERA [Special Events Risk Assessment]  process.

Where may I direct questions regarding the SERA [Special Events Risk Assessment]  form?

Please reach out to Vanessa Balderrama ( / 972.883.6356) or for assistance with completing the Special Events Risk Assessment form.

When do I need to submit a SERA [Special Events Risk Assessment]  form?

SERA [Special Events Risk Assessment] documents are REQUIRED for all catered events. A Special Events Risk Assessment form must be completed by the Event Coordinator at least 10 business days prior to the catered event. Allow more time for exceptional approvals.

How do I obtain approval for service of alcohol at an event prior to 4:00 p.m. on business days?

A written request for waiver of the Regents’ Rules and Regulations concerning consumption of alcoholic beverages must be forwarded to the President’s Designee at using the completed Part 2 of the Special Events Risk Assessment form. The President’s Designee will acquire permission from the president’s office on the department’s behalf.

How were the Approved Caterers selected?

The Approved Caterers were selected via a public bid based on the University’s Food Services agreement. Current documents recording Health Permit/COI [Conflict of Interest] and commitment to follow campus rules are kept on file by Purchasing.

How do I obtain approval to use an Outside Caterer?

To use a catering vendor not listed above, the Event Coordinator must submit a completed Outside Catering Request form to the Director of Catering at least 10 business days prior to the event, including the caterer’s health permit, a copy of the caterer’s acceptable Commercial General and Product Liability Insurance, a bona fide quote from the caterer on their company letterhead, containing the specifics of your event, and (if serving alcohol) a temporary TABC [Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission] permit and TABC [Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission] bartenders’ licenses. The approved Outside Catering Request form must be attached to the non-catalog requisition along with the approved SERA [Special Events Risk Assessment]  form.