Dining Services strives to deliver an excellent dining experience to students, faculty, staff and campus visitors on a daily basis. Their locations offer friendly service and a wide variety of quality food options available at your convenience.
A Team Effort in Trying Times
Auxiliary Services - The University of Texas at Dallas

A sampling of the boxed meals being prepared by Dining Services.
Staff at Auxiliary Services have been adapting our responses to the rapidly changing conditions of the coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak. In cooperation with the University Housing and outside vendor partners, we’ve strived to provide services that can be counted on by students and staff sheltering in place on campus, as well as those reaching the University remotely. Our team is working to make these trying times a little less trying as UT Dallas looks towards finishing an extraordinary spring semester.
A small crew in Dining Hall West have been very busy, preparing a variety of nutritious boxed meals for students and staff that are still on campus. With the help of University Housing, about 90 peer advisors have been put on an improvised meal plan. Essential employees are being offered a reduced price for their meals.
As soon as our Bookstore partners learned that Spring Commencement had been postponed, they offered students the option to return any graduation regalia that had already been purchased. The Bookstore and University Events are also working on a way to distribute class rings to graduating students.
Our Tech Store partners contacted faculty, students and staff to ensure they had all the necessary gear to continue classes online, offering assistance with ordering and providing options for discounted shipping.
Vending machines are still being stocked, because in the middle of a difficult day, sometimes it just helps to have your favorite snack on hand.
Service Changes in Response to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Outbreak