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Accessible Services

UT Dallas Services

Accessible Parking Permit

To use one of the accessible parking spaces on campus, you must already own a State of Texas accessible parking license plate / hangtag / placard, and you must purchase a UT Dallas accessible parking permit.

Accessible Parking Spaces and Paratransit Stop Map (PDF [Portable Document Format File] )

Parking & Transportation has mapped all accessible parking spaces on campus, with locations and number of spaces.

Request Accessible Cart Service

To assist with accessibility needs of our students, faculty, and staff, Parking & Transportation has procured a wheelchair-accessible Comet Cab. Services can be scheduled by using our online request form.

DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] Services

Paratransit Services

DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] Paratransit Services provides curb-to-curb public transportation for people with disabilities who are unable to use DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] ’s bus or rail services.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get an accessible parking placard or license plate from the State of Texas?

You may apply for a placard and/or plate at your local county tax assessor-collector’s office. To apply for a “permanent” (blue) placard or “temporary” (red) placard, you must:

  1. Ask your doctor or health care provider to complete the Disability Statement section of TxDMV [Texas Department of Motor Vehicles] Form VTR-214 (PDF [Portable Document Format File] ).
  2. Submit the completed TxDMV [Texas Department of Motor Vehicles] Form VTR-214 (PDF [Portable Document Format File] ) and payment (if applicable) to your county tax office.

For more information about disabled parking, placards and plates, please contact the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles.

Do I need a UTD parking permit if I have an accessible parking placard or license plate?

Yes, to use one of the accessible parking spaces on campus, you must already own a State of Texas accessible parking license plate/hangtag/placard, and you must purchase a UT Dallas accessible parking permit.

I am a Disabled Veteran (DV). How do I apply for a UTD accessible parking permit?

The International Symbol of Access. A abstract white outline of a person sitting in a wheelchair over a field of blue.

The International Symbol of Access

If your vehicle has been issued a Disabled Veteran (DV [Disabled Veteran] ) license plate, by state law you are exempt from paying a parking fee. Please note you must have these specialty plates to qualify for this exemption. Although you may be exempt from paying for a permit, a parking permit is still required from our office for your vehicle to legally park on campus. A complimentary parking permit will be issued to you after you register your vehicle and contact the Parking Office via email at, and request your complimentary permit. Please note, this exemption only applies when you are driving the exempt vehicle and is not transferrable to others.

Per Senate Bill SB 792 (PDF [Portable Document Format File] ), as of January 1, 2022, anyone parking in an Accessible parking space must have an Accessible license plate or an Accessible parking placard that features the International Symbol of Access (ISA [International Symbol of Access] ). Currently, disabled veteran license plates do not feature the ISA. Texans with disabled veteran license plates wishing to use Accessible parking spaces in 2022 may apply for an Accessible parking placard or for a new disabled veteran license plate featuring the ISA. The veteran must meet the eligibility requirements for an Accessible parking placard or Accessible person license plate featuring the ISA. Not all disabilities that qualify a veteran for disabled veteran license plates will qualify a veteran for a disabled veteran license plate featuring the ISA. More information can be found at the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles website.

How do I purchase a UTD accessible parking permit?

You may purchase your permit online or in-person at our office in Parking Structure 3. If you use a hangtag/placard, please present a receipt of your TxDMV [Texas Department of Motor Vehicles] Form VTR-214 (PDF [Portable Document Format File] ) or your placard in-person at our office, or send via email if you purchase your permit online. This is the same form you would have filed with the County Tax Assessor-Collector.

If you use a license plate, including a special one such as a Disabled Veterans plate or a Purple Heart plate, please present a copy of the tax receipt for your plate, or your vehicle registration receipt with the license plate listed, in-person at our office, or via email if you purchase your permit online.

If I am displaying a UTD accessible parking permit, do I still need to display my state-issued accessible parking placard?

Yes, both your UTD accessible parking permit and your state-issued accessible parking placard or license plate must be displayed at all times when parked in an accessible parking space.

I recently had surgery or sustained an injury, but I do not have an accessible parking placard. Can I still get closer parking while I am recovering?

Parking & Transportation cannot issue accessible parking permits without evidence of a state-issued accessible parking permit or license plate. However, with supporting documentation, Parking & Transportation will issue a temporary two-week permit for closer parking so that users have the opportunity to apply for an accessible parking placard.

Where are the accessible parking spaces on campus?

Parking & Transportation has mapped (PDF [Portable Document Format File] ) all accessible parking spaces on campus, with locations and number of spaces.

What if the accessible parking spaces are full? Where else can I park with an accessible parking permit?

If accessible parking spaces are not available, anyone with a state-issued accessible parking placard / hangtag / plate, and the required accessible parking permit or visitor pass, may park in any available, non-reserved parking space or metered parking space at no additional cost.

Can I park using a friend or family member’s accessible parking placard and permit?

A parking placard or plate is ONLY valid when being used by the person with the disability or someone who is driving the person with the disability. It is a violation of Texas state law to use the placard or plates for an accessible parking spot without the person with the disability in the vehicle. People who misuse accessible parking placards are subject to enforcement by local law enforcement agencies, who have the authority to issue tickets with fines of up to $1,250 and/or up to 50 hours of community service.

What other services does Parking & Transportation offer for those with accessibility needs?

To assist with accessibility needs of our students, faculty, and staff, Parking & Transportation has procured a wheelchair-accessible Comet Cab. Services can be scheduled by using our online request form.

Additionally, we have partnered with Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] ) to install three Paratransit stops on the main UTD campus. We have stops at the Capella Hall (RHC) bus stop, Parking Lot G near the Eugene McDermott Library (MC) and the center of campus, and the Traffic Circle near the Naveen Jindal School of Management (JSOM). For more information about DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] Paratransit, please see their website.