The Comet Cruiser is a shuttle bus serving UT Dallas and the surrounding community. You do not need any sort of pass or identification to use this bus, but other bus and train routes do require a DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] Transit Pass.
Bus Schedules · Riding the Bus
Bus Schedules
Each scheduled route (PDF [Portable Document Format File] ) has different stops around the neighborhood:
Route 883 East
- Service runs 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
- Departs from Cityline/Bush Train Station
every 15 minutes at :00, :15, :30 and :45 - Departs from the University Transit Center
every 15 minutes at :00, :15, :30 and :45
Route 883 West
- Departs from the University Transit Center
every 9 minutes from 6:57 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. - Departs from the Meandering Way @ Wester Way
DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] Stop
every 9 minutes from 7:00 a.m. - 11:12 p.m.
Final departure for the University Transit Center is 11:03 p.m.
Final departure for Frankford Rd. @ Osage Plaza Pkwy. is 11:12 p.m. - Departs from the Frankford Rd. @ Osage Plaza Pkwy.
DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] Stop
every 9 minutes from 7:04 a.m. - 11:07 p.m.
Route 883 East
- Service runs 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
- Departs from Cityline/Bush Train Station
every 15 minutes at :00, :15, :30 and :45 - Departs from the University Transit Center
every 15 minutes at :00, :15, :30 and :45
Route 883 West
- Service runs 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
- Departs from the University Transit Center
every 12 minutes at :00, :12, :24, :36 and :48 - Departs from the Meandering Way @ Wester Way
DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] Stop
every 12 minutes at :00, :12, :24, :36 and :48 - Departs from the Frankford Rd. @ Osage Plaza Pkwy.
DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] Stop
every 12 minutes at :04, :16, :28, :40 and :52 - Departs from the Walmart Supercenter at 425 Coit Rd.
every 12 minutes at :07, :19, :31, :43 and :55
Route 883 East
- Service runs 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
- Departs from Cityline/Bush Train Station
every 30 minutes at :00 and :30 - Departs from the University Transit Center
every 30 minutes at :00 and :30
Route 883 West
- Service runs 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
- Departs from the University Transit Center
every 12 minutes at :00, :12, :24, :36 and :48 - Departs from the Meandering Way @ Wester Way
DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] Stop
every 12 minutes at :00, :12, :24, :36 and :48 - Departs from the Frankford Rd. @ Osage Plaza Pkwy.
DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] Stop
every 12 minutes at :04, :16, :28, :40 and :52
Route 883 East
- Service runs 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
- Departs from Cityline/Bush Train Station
every 30 minutes at :00 and :30 - Departs from the University Transit Center
every 30 minutes at :00 and :30
Route 883 West
- Service runs 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
- Departs from the University Transit Center
every 20 minutes at :00, :20 and :40 - Departs from the Meandering Way @ Wester Way
DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] Stop
every 20 minutes at :12, :32 and :52 - Departs from the Frankford Rd. @ Osage Plaza Pkwy.
DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit] Stop
every 20 minutes at :16, :36 and :56 - Departs from the Walmart Supercenter at 425 Coit Rd.
every 20 minutes at :19, :39 and :59
Riding the Bus
DART [Dallas Area Rapid Transit]
buses are equipped so you can bring your —
- Bicycle
- Mobility Device (PDF [Portable Document Format File] )
e.g.: wheelchair - Service Animal (PDF [Portable Document Format File] )
e.g.: seeing-eye dog
Ring the bell when you want to get off the bus. Buttons/pull-cords for ringing the bell are located throughout each bus. When you ring the bell, your bus driver will stop at the very next bus stop, so be sure to ring the bell before your stop. If your bus driver doesn’t hear a bell for a particular stop, and no one is waiting at that bus stop, he/she will drive past it.
You can text your bus stop’s unique number (e.g.: “DART 31576”) to 41411 for a return text with information on when the next buses are expected to leave from your stop; Instructions for this are posted at each bus stop. Please remember, since all posted times are for when a bus leaves a particular stop, you should plan to be there a few minutes before then.