Section 51.207 of the Texas Education Code allows the
University of Texas at Dallas to restrict parking on our campus to vehicles with
a parking permit or pass from the University, and to issue citations to vehicles that do not have a current parking
permit or pass. It also requires UT Dallas to enforce Texas vehicle inspection laws.
General Parking Permit Information
Buying a Permit
Parking permits are available to all current UT Dallas visitors, students, faculty, and staff.
You can buy a permit in-person from the Parking Office or you can buy your permit online. Please note,
the Parking Office accepts credit and debit cards, but not cash or checks.
Purchasing a permit allows you to park according to the privileges of the permit
you purchased. However, purchasing a permit does not guarantee parking in a specific
space, lot, or garage.
Commuter Students
Commuter students can purchase
Evening Orange,
Gold, or
Green parking permits. Commuter students cannot purchase permits for on campus housing parking lots. If a student moves into on campus housing later in the semester, they may contact our office to exchange their current commuter parking permit for their respective housing parking permit. The current permit value will be assigned to their permit exchange.
Accessible parking permits are also available for qualified commuter students (see below).
On Campus Resident Students
Students who live on campus and will be parking on campus are required to purchase their respective housing permit, either a
University Commons Residence Halls parking permit, or a
University Village Apartments &
Canyon Creek Heights Apartments parking permit. Students that live on campus are also allowed to purchase a “combo” Housing and commuter
Orange or
Gold permit so they may park in commuter spaces on campus during the day.
Accessible parking permits are also for qualified students living on campus (see below).
Students that live on campus can only park overnight in their respective residential lots. Parking overnight in commuter parking spaces or parking garages is strictly prohibited, even if the student owns a combo permit.
Students that live on campus are only allowed to purchase one parking permit and may only park one vehicle on campus at any given time.
Only students living on campus may purchase a
University Commons Residence Halls parking permit, or a
University Village Apartments &
Canyon Creek Heights Apartments parking permit. For students that move out of on-campus housing, our office can exchange their permit to a comparable commuter parking permit at no additional cost.
Faculty and Staff
Faculty and Staff can purchase
Evening Orange,
Gold, or
Green parking permits.
Accessible parking permits are also available for qualified employees (see below). Please be advised that employees with past due parking citations cannot purchase a parking permit until their account balance is paid. In addition to purchasing via credit/debit card, qualified employees may be eligible to purchase their parking permit via payroll deduction. Those who have a student classification (e.g.,
RA [Resident Advisor] s,
TA [Teaching Assistant] s) and temporary employees are not eligible for payroll deduction.
All deductions are pretax and deducted over a period of one to nine months, depending on the date of sale.
There is no deadline to sign up for payroll deduction, however, to be eligible to be on the nine-month deduction plan, employees need to apply no later than September 10. For those enrolling by September 10, deductions will begin on the October 1 paycheck.
Those that purchase their permit via payroll deduction later in the fiscal year will have the total number of deductions reduced to meet the annual payment date. Please note that the monthly deduction amount will increase to meet the annual payment date, meaning the later an employee applies for payroll deduction, the fewer deductions they may have, but they may in turn have a higher monthly amount deducted.
A permit can be purchased as soon as a customer has access to their Parking Account. Commuter students, faculty, and staff may park in
Green parking without a permit from the first day of class until Census Day. This grace period only applies to the Fall and Spring
semesters. The Summer semester requires a permit at all times. On-campus residents may
park in their respective housing lot without a permit from the scheduled University Housing move-in dates until Census Day. With the exception of the Grace period for
Green and housing areas, all other parking areas
will be enforced throughout the year.
You must purchase a parking permit before the Spring or Fall Census Day to avoid citations.
You can register your vehicles to your Virtual Permit through the online Parking Portal.
To register a vehicle online, log in to your MyParking account and select the vehicles tab. You will then
be able to add a vehicle by entering the license plate and other vehicle details.
Students may register two (2) vehicles to their virtual permit and employees
may register five (5) vehicles to their virtual permit; however, only
one vehicle can be parked on campus at any given time. Parking more than one vehicle
on campus at one time may lead to citations. The current fine amount for parking multiple vehicles on campus is $100, per vehicle.
A permit must be purchased and linked to your vehicle before parking on campus
to avoid citations. You may add vehicles to your permit at anytime online via the MyParking portal, but you must contact our office at to remove vehicles. Vehicles may only be registered to one customer. If your
vehicle is already in the system due to citations or because it has been registered to another customer, you will not be able to add the vehicle to your account. You must contact our office at to have the license plate
verified for registration. Please note vehicles can be requested to be updated up
to three times per semester. Exchanging vehicles on your permit more frequently may
be denied.
It is essential that all vehicle information is kept up-to-date to avoid receiving
a citation. Please log into your parking account to update your information immediately
after any change to your license plate or vehicle. In the event that you drive a
different vehicle to campus, you will also need to ensure that it is currently
registered to your permit before parking on campus.
Parking permits may not be purchased, transferred or obtained from any source or party
other than the UT Dallas Parking and Transportation Office. Displaying or registering
a parking permit that belongs to another customer is strictly prohibited and may lead
to vehicle immobilization and additional fees and penalties.
Students, faculty, or staff from other UT System institutions may submit their University parking permit receipt to the Parking & Transportation Office via email to be issued a comparable reciprocal UTD permit. The email request must be sent from your UT institution email address, and the receipt must display your name, date of purchase, and the amount paid for your permit.
Returning a Permit
You can cancel, upgrade, downgrade or exchange your permit by completing a permit return form. Please completely fill out your information in all blanks and ensure you provide a detailed note response for returning your permit.
Please note that you will need your current permit number to complete this form. You can find your permit number by logging into your MyParking account and selecting the “PERMITS” tab.
Upgrades: Please note that requests to upgrade will require an additional out-of-pocket payment of the difference in current price between your current and upgraded permit.
Exchanges: For exchanges of the same value, no payment will be required, and no refund will be issued. Students who move between University Village Apartments, Canyon Creek Heights Apartments or University Commons Residence Halls must request to exchange their current parking permit for the permit appropriate for their new residence; this exchange is free of charge. Students transitioning between commuter and on-campus resident must also request to exchange their permit.
Downgrades: You may be eligible for a prorated refund of the difference in current price between your current and downgraded permit when downgrading your parking permit. Students may only downgrade their permit once per semester.
Cancellations: You may be eligible for a refund of your current permit value if you request to cancel your parking permit either within 10 days of your initial purchase, or if you are canceling your permit prior to the Spring Census Day of the current academic year. If you are withdrawing from the University or decide you no longer need your permit, you may return the permit within 10 days from the date of purchase for a full refund. If you are a student who is graduating or leaving the University at the end of the Fall semester and you paid the full year permit price, you may request to cancel (deactivate) your parking permit on or before the Spring Census Day of the current academic year for a prorated refund. Any cancellation requests for those that purchased a full year permit that are submitted after 10 days, but before Spring Census Day of the current academic year will receive a refund only for the Spring permit value. Spring permits are only eligible for a refund if returned within 10 days of purchase. Any cancellation requests submitted after the Spring Census Day of the current academic year will be denied and no refund will be issued. Students may only request a refund of their permit once per academic year.
You will receive a confirmation email after you have submitted your permit return form. Please allow seven business days for your permit return to be completed. Do not submit a permit return form until you no longer need your parking permit as it will be processed shortly after submission. Your current parking permit is valid until your permit return has been processed. You will receive email confirmation and any necessary actions or instructions to finalize your return once our team has processed your request.
Please inquire with our office regarding any questions or concerns prior to submitting your permit return form.
Faculty & Staff
You can cancel, upgrade, downgrade or exchange your permit by completing a permit return form. Please completely fill out your information in all blanks and ensure you provide a detailed note response for returning your permit.
Please note that you will need your current permit number to complete this form. You can find your permit number by logging into your MyParking account and selecting the “PERMITS” tab.
Please note, if you purchased your permit via payroll deduction after your enrollment has begun, we are only able to cancel future deductions, and we cannot modify current deduction amounts. We can also only have parking payroll deduction enrollment entered once per fiscal year, per employee.
Upgrades: Please note that requests to upgrade will require an additional out-of-pocket payment of the difference in current price between your current and upgraded permit. If you purchased your permit via payroll deduction, your deductions will remain the same, and your upgrade value must be paid via credit/debit card. Upgrade amounts cannot be paid via payroll deduction, and your deduction amount cannot be modified.
Exchanges: For exchanges of the same value, no payment will be required, and no refund will be issued. If you purchased your permit via payroll deduction, your deductions will remain the same.
Downgrades: You may be eligible for a prorated refund of the difference in current price between your current and downgraded permit when downgrading your parking permit. Please note if you purchased your permit via payroll deduction, we are only able to cancel future deductions, and we cannot modify current deduction amounts. We will calculate the value you have used, minus the amount you have paid. We then apply any applicable credit towards the current permit price, and the remaining permit balance must be paid out of pocket. At this point, your permit would then be paid in full with no future payroll deductions occurring.
Cancellations: Annual permits are eligible for refund if purchased in full. Refund amount will be determined by the date of return through the end of the fiscal year. Permits purchased via payroll deduction are “pay as you go” and are deducted on the month following your parking usage. Permits purchased via payroll deduction and are not eligible for refund, but may be canceled to prevent future deductions.
If you purchased your permit via credit/debit card, you may be eligible for a refund of your current permit value if you request to cancel your parking permit either within 10 days of your initial purchase, or if you are canceling your permit prior to the tenth day of the current month. If you no longer need your permit, you may return your permit within 10 days from the date of purchase for a full refund. You may also request to cancel (deactivate) your parking permit on or before the tenth day of the current month for a prorated refund of the current permit value. Any cancellation requests submitted after the tenth day of the month will only receive credit for the following month’s permit value.
If you purchased via payroll deduction, you may request to cancel (deactivate) your permit and future payroll deductions. Your cancellation must be submitted on or before the tenth day of the current month to avoid being charged for that month of parking. Any cancellation requests submitted after the tenth day of the month will have one additional deduction on the next paycheck cycle. Thereafter, future deductions will be canceled.
You will receive a confirmation email after you have submitted your permit return form. Please allow seven business days for your permit return to be completed. Do not submit a permit return form until you no longer need your parking permit as it will be processed shortly after submission. Your current parking permit is valid until your permit return has been processed. You will receive email confirmation and any necessary actions or instructions to finalize your return once our team has processed your request.
Please inquire with our office regarding any questions or concerns prior to submitting your permit return form.
Parking Enforcement
Parking regulations are continuously enforced for:
- Fire lanes.
- Loading docks.
- Service Vehicle spaces.
- Grass and all other areas where parking is prohibited.
- Reserved parking spaces.
- Purple parking.
- Orange parking.
- Evening Orange parking.
- Gold parking.
- Accessible parking.
- Pay-by-Space metered parking.
Parking regulations are enforced Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.,
and Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., for:
- Green parking.
- University Village Apartments parking.
- Canyon Creek Heights Apartments parking.
- University Commons Residence Halls parking.
Violating parking regulations will result in a citation.
No overnight campus parking is allowed without prior authorization from both
Parking & Transportation and the University Police Department.
Two vehicles cannot share the same parking space. If you drive a motorcycle,
you cannot park it in a space that is already being used by another vehicle,
even if there is room leftover in that parking space.
Parking Options
Parking Options
Option |
Available Parking Spaces |
Green Permit |
Green parking
More Information… |
Gold Permit |
- Gold parking
- Green parking
More Information… |
Evening Orange Permit |
- Gold parking
- Green parking
- Orange parking after 5:00 p.m.
More Information… |
Orange Permit |
- Orange parking
- Gold parking
- Green parking
More Information… |
Purple Permit |
- Purple parking
- Orange parking
- Gold parking
- Green parking
More Information… |
University Village &
Canyon Creek Heights Apartments Permit |
- University Village Apartments parking
- Canyon Creek Heights Apartments parking
- Green parking at Lot W at the
Waterview Science and Technology Center (WSTC)
- Green parking at Lot V at the
Research Operations Center (ROC)
- Green parking at
Lot U
- Green parking at
Lot T
- Green parking at
Synergy Park North (SPN)
- Green parking at
Callier Center Dallas (CD)
Overnight parking is strictly prohibited in commuter lots or garages.
More Information… |
University Village &
Canyon Creek Heights Apartments + Gold Combo Permit |
- University Village Apartments parking
- Canyon Creek Heights Apartments parking
- Gold parking
- Green parking
Overnight parking is strictly prohibited in commuter lots or garages.
More Information… |
University Village &
Canyon Creek Heights Apartments + Orange Combo Permit |
- University Village Apartments parking
- Canyon Creek Heights Apartments parking
- Orange parking
- Gold parking
- Green parking
Overnight parking is strictly prohibited in commuter lots or garages.
More Information… |
University Commons Residence Halls Permit |
- University Commons Residence Halls parking
- Green parking at Lot W at the
Waterview Science and Technology Center (WSTC)
- Green parking at Lot V at the
Research Operations Center (ROC)
- Green parking at
Lot U
- Green parking at
Lot T
- Green parking at
Synergy Park North (SPN)
- Green parking at
Callier Center Dallas (CD)
Overnight parking is strictly prohibited in commuter lots or garages.
More Information… |
University Commons Residence Halls + Gold Combo Permit |
- University Commons Residence Halls parking
- Gold parking
- Green parking
Overnight parking is strictly prohibited in commuter lots or garages.
More Information… |
University Commons Residence Halls + Orange Combo Permit |
- University Commons Residence Halls parking
- Orange parking
- Gold parking
- Green parking
Overnight parking is strictly prohibited in commuter lots or garages.
More Information… |
Accessible Parking Permit |
Accessible parking
More Information… |
Pay-By-Space |
Pay-by-Space metered parking
More Information… |
Department Coupon Code |
Pay-by-Space metered parking
Free for the guest of a department. The department itself will be charged $1/hour through their UTD cost center.
More Information… |
Visitor Pass (Multiple Types) |
Free. Varies by type.
Green parking
University Housing:
University Village Apartments parking
— or —
Canyon Creek Heights Apartments parking
— or —
University Commons Residence Halls parking
More Information… |
Parking Prices
The short term weekly and monthly permit pilot program will
conclude on August 31, 2024. UT Dallas employees may continue to purchase annual permits via credit/debit card, or via monthly
payroll deduction, if eligible. In addition, hourly metered parking is available throughout campus as a
short-term parking option.
Student Parking Prices
Student Parking Prices
Option |
Price |
Fall |
Spring |
Summer |
Sep-Aug |
Dec-Aug |
May-Aug |
- Parking permits are prorated in cost throughout the academic year. For students, parking permits are prorated in December and in May to reflect Spring and Summer prices.
- All parking permit purchases are valid from the date of purchase through August 31 of the current academic year.
- Permits can be purchased at any time online at by logging with your NetID. A payment method can be selected at the time of check-out. Permits are available for purchase via credit/debit card as an in-full payment.
Green Permit |
$194 |
$129 |
$65 |
Gold Permit |
$348 |
$232 |
$116 |
Evening Orange Permit |
$440 |
$293 |
$147 |
Orange Permit |
$536 |
$357 |
$179 |
University Village & Canyon Creek Heights Apartments Permit |
$194 |
$129 |
$65 |
University Commons Residence Halls Permit |
$194 |
$129 |
$65 |
University Village & Canyon Creek Heights Apartments + Gold Combo Permit |
$542 |
$361 |
$181 |
University Village & Canyon Creek Heights Apartments + Orange Combo Permit |
$730 |
$486 |
$244 |
University Commons Residence Halls + Gold Combo Permit |
$542 |
$361 |
$181 |
University Commons Residence Halls + Orange Combo Permit |
$730 |
$486 |
$244 |
Accessible Parking Permit |
$194 |
$129 |
$65 |
Faculty & Staff Parking Prices
Faculty & Staff Parking Prices: Annual
Option |
Annual Price (Prorated Monthly) |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
- Annual parking permits are prorated in cost throughout the academic year. For faculty and staff, permits are prorated on the first of each month.
- Annual parking permit purchases are valid from the date of purchase through August 31 of the current academic year.
- Annual permits can be purchased at any time online at by logging with your NetID. A payment method can be selected at the time of check-out. Permits are available for purchase via credit/debit card as an in-full payment, or via monthly payroll deduction for eligible employees.
- Annual permits are eligible for refund if purchased in full. Refund amount will be determined by the date of return through the end of the fiscal year. Permits purchased via payroll deduction are “pay as you go” and are not eligible for refund, but may be canceled to prevent future deductions.
- Faculty and staff may only purchase one annual parking permit online. If a second permit is needed, please contact the Parking Office.
Green Permit |
$194.00 |
$177.83 |
$161.67 |
$145.50 |
$129.33 |
$113.17 |
$97.00 |
$80.83 |
$64.67 |
$48.50 |
$32.33 |
$16.17 |
Gold Permit |
$348.00 |
$319.00 |
$290.00 |
$261.00 |
$232.00 |
$203.00 |
$174.00 |
$145.00 |
$116.00 |
$87.00 |
$58.00 |
$29.00 |
Evening Orange Permit |
$440.00 |
$403.33 |
$366.67 |
$330.00 |
$293.33 |
$256.67 |
$220.00 |
$183.33 |
$146.67 |
$110.00 |
$73.33 |
$36.67 |
Orange Permit |
$536.00 |
$491.33 |
$446.67 |
$402.00 |
$357.33 |
$312.67 |
$268.00 |
$223.33 |
$178.67 |
$134.00 |
$89.33 |
$44.67 |
Purple Permit |
$829.00 |
$759.92 |
$690.83 |
$621.75 |
$552.67 |
$483.58 |
$414.50 |
$345.42 |
$276.33 |
$207.25 |
$138.17 |
$69.08 |
Housing Staff Resident Permit |
$194.00 |
$177.83 |
$161.67 |
$145.50 |
$129.33 |
$113.17 |
$97.00 |
$80.83 |
$64.67 |
$48.50 |
$32.33 |
$16.17 |
Accessible Permit |
$194.00 |
$177.83 |
$161.67 |
$145.50 |
$129.33 |
$113.17 |
$97.00 |
$80.83 |
$64.67 |
$48.50 |
$32.33 |
$16.17 |
Virtual Parking Permits and
LPR [License Plate Recognition]
UT Dallas is now utilizing virtual permits for all parking options on campus. This system
utilizes License Plate Recognition
(LPR [License Plate Recognition] )
and will identify your vehicle by its license plate. This system removes the need
for physical stickers and allows all permit holders to easily add and maintain vehicles
on their accounts.
License Plate Recognition
(LPR [License Plate Recognition] )
is camera-based technology that quickly scans multiple vehicle license plates. This
technology allows us to transition to virtual permits by allowing a vehicle’s
license plate to serve in place of a sticker or decal permit. LPR cameras can scan your
license plate to check if you have appropriate parking permissions, which eliminates
the need to place a physical permit on your windshield. LPR is a mobile system that uses
vehicle-mounted cameras to scan license plates and verify virtual permits in all lots
and garages on campus.
Virtual Permits will be beneficial to our campus as they eliminate the need to move
your permit between multiple vehicles. They also support sustainability by reducing
paper usage, ink, and plastic used for permit distribution and postage.
You can register your vehicles to your Virtual Permit through the online Parking Portal.
To register a vehicle online, log in to your MyParking account and select the vehicles tab. You will then
be able to add a vehicle by entering the license plate and other vehicle details.
Students may register two (2) vehicles to their virtual permit and employees
may register five (5) vehicles to their virtual permit; however, only one
vehicle can be parked on campus at any given time. Parking more than one vehicle on
campus at one time may lead to citations. The current fine amount for parking multiple vehicles on campus is $100, per vehicle.
UT Dallas Parking & Transportation requests vehicle license
plates to be registered to a specific customer and vehicle. “Dealer Plates”
are not vehicle specific and do not provide ownership information and therefore cannot
be affiliated to customer’s accounts.
You may add vehicles to your permit at anytime online via the MyParking portal, but you must contact our office at to remove vehicles.
Please note vehicles can be requested to be updated up to three times per semester.
Exchanging vehicles on your permit more frequently may be denied.
All virtual permits are non-transferable and can only be used by the individual
to whom it is assigned. Permit sharing is prohibited and may lead to parking citations
and/or vehicle immobilization.
It is essential that all vehicle information is kept up-to-date to avoid receiving
an unnecessary citation. Please log into your parking account to update your information
immediately after any change to your license plate or vehicle. In the event that you
drive a different vehicle to campus, you will also need to ensure that it is currently
registered to your permit before parking on campus.
UT Dallas Parking & Transportation Services utilizes vehicle state registration from the Texas Department of Transportation to determine relationships between vehicles and drivers. Vehicles not registered with UT Dallas Parking & Transportation may be linked to a customer’s account based on state registration records.
If you no longer own a vehicle, it is imperative that you properly transfer the
vehicle to the new owner. Failing to properly transfer a vehicle into the buyer’s
name could result in the seller being held responsible for tickets, toll violations,
or even crimes committed with the vehicle. To ensure this doesn’t happen to
you, accompany the buyer to your county tax office to ensure a vehicle title
application is filed.
A dealer is not required to title in the dealership’s name if you sell or
trade-in your vehicle to a licensed motor vehicle dealer. The vehicle stays in your
name until it is sold to an individual, which may take months or in some cases, years.
To protect yourself, file a Vehicle Transfer Notification. When a vehicle
transfer notification is received,
TxDMV [Texas Department of Motor Vehicles]
updates the motor vehicle record to show the vehicle as sold. When you file the
notification within 30 days from the date of sale, you cannot be held responsible
for parking tickets that have been committed by the person who purchased
the vehicle.
Accessible Parking
The International Symbol of Access
To use one of the Accessible parking spaces on campus,
you must already own a State of Texas Accessible license plate/placard, and
you must purchase a UT Dallas Accessible permit. When purchasing your permit:
- If you use a state-issued placard, please present either the original, a photocopy,
or picture of your placard via email to
for validation.
- If you use a state-issued license plate or a Disabled Veterans plate that features
the International Symbol of Access
(ISA [International Symbol of Access] ),
please submit documentation either in person or via email to
for validation. Documentation can be the tax receipt for your plate, a photo of your
license plate, or any certified government document in your name with your plate
number listed.
Once your Accessible parking credentials are validated, you will be able to see the
Accessible parking permit option available for purchase online.
Accessible Parking Spaces (PDF [Portable Document Format File] )
If Accessible spaces are not available, those with a state-issued license plate
that features the International Symbol of Access
(ISA [International Symbol of Access] ),
or a state-issued Accessible placard, and displaying a UTD permit
(either an Accessible parking permit or visitor pass),
may park in any available non-reserved parking space or metered parking space
at no additional cost.
Veteran Parking
Disabled Veteran Parking
SB 792 (PDF [Portable Document Format File] ),
as of January 1, 2022, anyone parking in an Accessible parking space must
have an Accessible license plate or an Accessible parking placard that features the
International Symbol of Access
(ISA [International Symbol of Access] ).
Currently, disabled veteran license
plates do not feature the ISA. Texans with disabled veteran license plates wishing to use
Accessible parking spaces in 2022 may apply for an Accessible parking placard or for
a new disabled veteran license plate featuring the ISA. The veteran must meet the
eligibility requirements for an Accessible parking placard or Accessible person license
plate featuring the ISA. Not all disabilities that qualify a veteran for disabled veteran
license plates will qualify a veteran for a disabled veteran license plate featuring
the ISA. More information can be found at the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles website.
You may apply for an accessible parking placard and/or disabled veteran license plate
at the office of your local county tax assessor-collector:
- For an accessible parking placard, download the
Application for Persons with Disabilities Parking Placard and/or License Plate
- Form VTR-214 (PDF [Portable Document Format File] ).
- For a disabled veteran license plate with or without the ISA, download the
Application for Disabled Veteran License Plates and/or Parking Placards
- Form VTR-615 (PDF [Portable Document Format File] ).
- Have your doctor or health care provider complete the Disability Statement
section of the application or provide an original prescription.
- Submit the completed application(s) and payment (if applicable)
to your county tax office.
Decorated Veteran Parking
Vehicles with certain veteran license plates may qualify for a Green, University Commons Residence Halls, University Village Apartments or Canyon Creek Heights Apartments permit at no cost, if they do not qualify for an Accessible parking permit.
Please note the following designations that are allowed a complimentary UT Dallas
parking permit:
- Air and Air with Valor Medals
- Airman’s Medal
- Bronze Star and Bronze Star with Valor Medals
- Coast Guard Medal
- Commendation Medal with Valor
- Congressional Medal of Honor
- Defense Meritorious Service Medal
- Defense Superior Service Medal
- Disabled Veteran
- Distinguished Flying Cross Medal
- Distinguished Service Medal
- Legion of Merit Medal
- Legion of Valor
- Air Force Cross Medal
- Army Distinguished Service Cross
- Medal of Honor
- Navy Cross Medal
- Meritorious Service Medal
- Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
- Navy and Marine Corps Medal
- Pearl Harbor Survivor
- Prisoner of War Medal
- Purple Heart Medal
- Silver Star Medal
- Soldier’s Medal
- World War II
These vehicles are only exempt from the parking fees if they are being operated by
or for the transportation of the person who registered the vehicle with the above
mentioned license plates.
There are over 360 Pay-by-Space cashless metered parking spaces on campus.
To use a Pay-by-Space metered parking space, note your parking space number and go up to the nearest payment kiosk (“LUKE Machine”), tap any key to wake it up, then follow its instructions. Please note some locations are PayByPhone only and cannot be paid via central meter or coupon code. You have two ways to pay at the LUKE machines:
Please remember to keep your receipt; It shows the time when your meter expires. If your time has not yet expired, and you paid via credit/debit card or Department Coupon Code, you can return to the kiosk and add more time.
PayByPhone: Metered parking is also payable via PayByPhone in all metered parking locations. Some locations are PayByPhone only and cannot be paid via central meter or coupon code. To use PayByPhone for your metered parking, note your parking space number and parking lot location. Each location has a specific location code to ensure you purchase time for the correct area. The location codes are:
If you already have an account with the PayByPhone service, you can pay through their website; through their Android™ or iPhone® app; or by calling 888.450.7275. Vendor service fees will apply. The current transaction fee for PayByPhone use is $0.40. If you used PayByPhone, you can add more time remotely, and even set up the service to send you an SMS [Short Message Service] five minutes before your time expires.
Meter Parking Rate: $2/hour.
Metered parking is enforced 24/7 and time can be purchased up until midnight of each day. A new transaction must be entered if parking past midnight.
Department Coupon Code
Please contact us if your department would like us to create a coupon code that you can hand out to your guests for use at Pay-By-Space metered parking spaces. We can create:
- A single code.
- A new code every month, which expires at the end of each month.
- A code just for a special event, which lasts only for the duration of the event, or only for a limited number of transactions.
Once a month, we’ll send you a report of how often your code was used, and charge your department. Charges go directly to your cost center.
Visitor Pass
Visitors to campus include any person who is not affiliated with the
University as a student, faculty, or staff member. Currently enrolled students, or
currently employed faculty or staff, do not qualify for visitor permits.
From UTDBP3119:
The University of Texas at Dallas does not allow University departments to pay for parking permits for individual University employees using University funds. Departments may purchase a parking permit that is owned by the department and used by multiple individuals as needed. The purpose of a departmental permit is not to replace the need for employees to purchase their own parking permit, but to facilitate ease of parking when employees are performing their job duties on campus. It is the responsibility of the department head or their designee to ensure departmental passes are used appropriately. Departmental permits must be purchased via IDT [Inter-Departmental Transfer] or journal transfer — not on a University One Card. Any University funds may be used to purchase departmental parking passes.
Departments may also purchase permits for guests, suppliers, or contractors, when appropriate. These permits must be purchased via IDT [Inter-Departmental Transfer] or journal transfers — not on a University One Card. Also, the cost must be included on an independent contractor’s 1099-NEC tax form as a taxable benefit.
Current UT Dallas students, faculty, or staff that require access to a restricted
parking area may be eligible for a short-term permit. To be eligible for this permit,
the student, faculty, or staff member must already own a current UT Dallas parking permit,
and the request must be for legitimate business or academic purposes.
Visitor parking can be issued to those visiting UTD for legitimate business or academic
purposes if requested by the sponsoring department. Departments may use our online permit request tool or visit one of our
offices during our normal business hours to obtain a permit for a University approved
guest. Please reach out to the department you are visiting to have them arrange parking
for you.
If you are a faculty or staff member and you need to arrange parking for a guest visiting
the campus, permits can also be requested online in advance and emailed to you as a
PDF [Portable Document Format File]
document that you may email to your guest to be printed. To request an emailed permit,
complete a permit request form online two business days in advance of the guest arrival.
If you are resident living in University Village Apartments,
Canyon Creek Heights Apartments, or
University Commons Residence Halls and you need
to arrange parking for a guest visiting your residence, permits can also be requested
online in advance and emailed to you as a
PDF [Portable Document File Format]
document that you may email to your guest to be printed. To request an emailed permit,
complete a permit request form online two business days in advance
of the guest arrival. A visitor parking pass is required Monday-Thursday from
9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:00 a.m. -
5:00 p.m. in the housing parking areas.
Non-sponsored visitors to campus may utilize our metered parking available throughout different areas of our
campus, or contact
for more options.
Please contact
for any questions or concerns about visitor parking.
Please note that a visitor permit is not required for Green,
University Village Apartments,
Canyon Creek Heights Apartments, or
University Commons Residence Halls parking areas
outside of enforcement hours:
- Monday-Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
- Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Electric Vehicle Charging
Parking & Transportation services currently has seventeen electric vehicle (EV [Electric Vehicle] ) charging stations on campus:
- Six in PS1, Level 1:
Smart EV Chargers
- Four in PS3, Level 2:
Smart EV Chargers
- Two in PS4, Level 1
- Two in Lot J
- One in Lot T
- Two in Lot V
These spaces have signage reserving these spaces for electric vehicles only.. Non-electric vehicles parked in
EV [Electric Vehicle]
spaces are subject to immediate vehicle immobilization or towing. To utilize electric vehicle parking, your vehicle must be charging at all times. If your vehicle is in an EV space and is not charging, you are subject to a parking citation.
Smart EV Dual-Port Chargers
PS1 and PS3 locations have new dual-port, Level 2 smart
EV [Electric Vehicle]
chargers. The PS1 EV spaces are located on the first level, and the PS3 EV spaces are located on the second level. These chargers are available at a fee of $0.03/minute. No parking permit nor meter payment is required in these spaces, but your vehicle must be connected and charging the entire time the vehicle is parked. There is no minimum or maximum occupancy time in these spaces. The $0.03/minute fee will continue the entire time your vehicle is connected, even if your vehicle is fully charged. Payment for these spaces is available via the GRAVITI EV CHARGING phone app, available at Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
Single-Port Chargers
PS4, Lot J, Lot T, and Lot V are single-port chargers with no smart features. There is no cost to charge your vehicle at these stations, but you must abide by parking rules and regulations by either paying the LUKE parking meter, if in a metered space in PS4, or utilizing a Gold or higher-level parking permit in Lot J or Lot V, or a
University Village Apartments,
Canyon Creek Heights Apartments, or
University Commons Residence Halls permit in Lot T. Visitor permits are also eligible to utilize EV spaces in these locations. To ensure that all electric vehicle owners have the opportunity to utilize this service, there is a 4-hour maximum time limit for charging and parking in reserved electric vehicle spaces in Lot J, PS4, Lot T, and Lot V.
Motorcycle Parking
There are convenient spaces specifically reserved for motorcycles located in
Lot J, Lot T, PS1, and PS4. To park in a motorcycle space, you must have a
Orange, or
Purple permit. Motorcycles may also park in
standard vehicle spaces as long as the motorcycle is registered to the appropriate
permit type, or has paid the meter, if in metered parking.
For those that own a
University Village Apartments,
Canyon Creek Heights Apartments or
University Commons Residence Halls permit,
you may park your motorcycle in your respective housing parking area. To utilize
the reserved motorcycle spaces on campus, or any other commuter parking, you must
own a Housing-Combo permit.
Motorcycles must be parked properly within designated space lines, and cannot park
on sidewalks, medians, accessways, or other non-parking areas. Two vehicles cannot
share the same parking space. If you drive a motorcycle, you cannot park it in a
space that is already being used by another vehicle, even if there is room leftover
in that parking space.
You can pay citations online, or in-person at the Parking Office. The Parking Office accepts credit/debit
cards but not cash or checks.
Please note that if you pay for a citation on a vehicle, that vehicle will then be
registered to you, and you may be responsible for future citations on that vehicle.
Citation payments are NOT refundable.
If you receive a citation, you will have 14 days to pay it. On the 14th day,
a $10 penalty will be added, and another $10 penalty will be added every month
until it is paid, adding up to $40 in late fees per citation. Students with unpaid
citations will not be able to register for classes and their transcripts will not be
released. Faculty and staff with unpaid citations will have their records marked and
their parking permit revoked; any renumerations owed them when they separate from the
University will be blocked.
Parking and Transportation vigilantly enforces parking facilities to protect the
investment of students, faculty, and staff that purchase a parking permit. Parking
without a permit violation fines are assigned on a graduated scale, which considers
the specific parking area in which a violation occurs.
The parking without a permit citation fines are:
- Parking without a permit in a Green
or Housing space: $40
- Parking without a permit in a Gold space: $50
- Parking without a permit in an Orange space: $60
- Parking without a permit in a Purple space: $70
- Parking without paying a Metered space: $48
Vehicles may receive a parking citation each calendar day, even if the vehicle has not moved since the previous day. Additionally, vehicles may be cited more than once, even in the same day, if they are committing multiple violations, or if the vehicle moves locations.
Receiving parking citations will result in a negative account hold, which prevents students from receiving certain services. Parking citations will place a B35 “Parking Fine” hold on student accounts. A B35 hold will not prevent students from registering for classes, but it will prevent the ability to receive a transcript.
If a student owes more than $500 to the University and their balance is more than 45 days past due, a B98 “Past Due Balance” hold will apply. A B98 hold will prevent class registration, loan activity, and refund distributions.
To release a parking hold, you must pay your parking balance via the MyParking portal. Once citations have been paid, the hold will be released the following business day.
To check student account hold information, log in to the Galaxy portal, select Orion Self-Service,
then select Student Center.
Appealing Citations
If you feel you have received a citation in error, you may file an appeal using
the following guidelines:
- Appeals can be accepted only through the online appeal portal through MyParking.
Please have your citation or license plate available.
- Appeals must be filed before the 14th calendar day from the date
of citation issuance. On the 14th day, your ability to appeal
is forfeited.
- Late fees will not accumulate while a citation is under appeal.
- If your appeal is rejected, you must pay your citation promptly. Late fees
will begin accumulating monthly after an appeal is denied.
- An appeal cannot be filed for a citation that has already been paid.
Once a citation has been paid, the ability to appeal is forfeited. If a citation is paid while under appeal, the appeal will be canceled.
- A vehicle may continue to be cited, even while under the appeal process
if the vehicle is still found in violation. A vehicle must park in compliance
to avoid additional citations. For questions regarding citations, contact
Unacceptable Grounds for an Appeal:
- Unaware of parking rules and regulations
- Parked illegally for only a short period of time
- Late for class and/or meeting
- Inability to pay fine or disagreement with fine amount
- Unable to find open parking space
- Failure to notice or understand parking signage
- Other vehicles were parked illegally and not issued a citation
- Inclement weather
- Never received citation on windshield
- A friend or family member borrowed vehicle and received citation
- Did not receive warning prior to citation
UT Dallas Vehicle Impoundment Guidelines
In order to ensure safe and orderly parking on campus, and to protect the parking
privileges of those who abide by the University’s parking policies, Parking
and Transportation Services includes vehicle impoundment (booting and/or towing), as a part of their enforcement program.
Vehicle Impound Guidelines:
Vehicles parked on UT Dallas property may be impounded without prior notice at
the owner’s expense for any of the reasons below:
- Vehicle or account was issued an immobilization warning and account balance was not paid in full within 72 hours of notice
- Vehicles or accounts with three (3) or more outstanding citations
- Unauthorized parking in reserved parking areas
- Occupying more than one parking space or parking outside of the parking space lines
- Parking in prohibited areas (fire lanes, driving lanes, traffic lanes, driveways,
sidewalks, dumpster spaces, intersections, grass, service vehicle parking or any
non-parking area)
- Parking in accessible parking spaces without valid accessible parking credentials
- Unauthorized overnight parking
- Displaying a fraudulent, altered or replicated permit or receipt
- Vehicles that do not display a valid state-issued license plate or current registration
- Vehicles with any citation over 60 days past due
- Parking multiple vehicles on campus with only one registered permit
- Any other reason authorized by law
Vehicle Impoundment Process: Vehicles meeting any of the above
vehicle impoundment guidelines may be booted or towed at the owner’s expense.
The University of Texas at Dallas is not responsible for any damage to a vehicle during
impoundment, relocation or storage.
Booting: The owner or driver of a booted vehicle may recover
the vehicle after paying a $75 booting fee. The booting fee can be paid at the
Parking Office during regular business hours or any time through the online parking portal. The boot fee is not appealable, nor refundable. Students, faculty and staff may log into
the parking portal by using their UTD NetID and password. Non-affiliates may log into the parking portal by creating a guest account. The owner or driver
of a booted vehicle must also complete a boot release form at the Parking Office.
A valid driver’s license is required to complete a boot release form and have a
vehicle released. If the Parking Office is closed, the owner or driver can call UTD Police
at 972.883.2222 and an officer will meet you at the vehicle.
A valid driver’s license is required to complete a boot release form and have a
vehicle released. The owner or driver of a booted vehicle has 24 hours from the time
the vehicle is booted to pay the booting fee and claim a booted vehicle. Booted
vehicles will be towed off campus at the owner’s expense if the booting fee
is not paid and the vehicle claimed within 24 hours from the time the vehicle
is booted.
Booted vehicles are not allowed to park on UT Dallas property (this includes metered
parking areas) after the boot is released until all citations are paid or a payment
plan is established with Parking and Transportation Services. Previously booted vehicles
are subject to towing if parked on UT Dallas property without paying all outstanding citations,
or if the owner or driver defaults on a previously established payment plan or does not
make payments on time.
Towing: A vehicle’s owner may recover an impounded vehicle
after paying all impound fees due. For additional information about impound fees and
documentation needed to recover an impounded vehicle, please contact Signature Towing
(972.423.4010 /
Suspension of Parking Privileges: Immobilized or impounded vehicles
are not allowed to park on UT Dallas property (this includes metered parking areas)
until all outstanding citations have been paid or a payment plan has been established.
Failure to comply may result in additional vehicle immobilization or impoundment at the
vehicle owner’s expense.
Parking at Northside
UT Dallas Parking and Transportation Services does not manage Northside. All parking
inquiries regarding this property should be directed to the Northside Leasing Offices.