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Skates, Rollerblades, & Skateboards

Skating on Campus

You are welcome to bring your roller skates, rollerblades (in-line skates), or skateboard to campus, so long as you remember to—

If you become a danger to the campus, you could have your gear confiscated, face disciplinary action, or get a police citation.

Motorized Scooters

Motorized scooters or motorized personal transportation devices are prohibited from being driven on University sidewalks, streets, parking lots or parking structures unless authorized by the Office of Student AccessAbility or Office of Human Resources as a reasonable accommodation required by the Americans with Disabilities Act or other federal law.

Motorized scooters or motorized personal transportation devices are wheeled devices designed for transporting one person with a deck designed to allow a person to stand or sit, and is propelled by an electric or gas motor. Motor-assisted bicycles are not included in this policy.